Poems by Ben

I am Ben Nelson

I am hard-working and kind.

I wonder how the enormous human body works?

I hear Imagine Dragons heart-pounding music.

I see Aaron Rodgers throwing bomb touchdown passes.

I want to sprint around the school.

I am hard-working and kind.


I imagine my delightful home.

I feel lethargic.

I touch a pencil, in which I write.

I worry that I will be stuck in this wistful wheelchair forever.

I cry when I am wounded.

I am hard-working and kind.


I understand that I am different.

I say the Optimist Creed.

I dream that when I grow up, I will scamper one day.

I try to keep my grades up and be an excellent student.

I hope that I will fit in.

I am hard-working and kind. 

Where I'm From

I am from newspapers stacked on the ottoman,

and coffee mugs lined on the kitchen table.

I am from Nerf guns scattered on my bedroom floor,

and Legos dotting Dad's favorite rug.

I am from a birch tree,

that bends with the wind,

and the evergreens that prick whenever I touch them.

I am from the spray paint can,

rolling off the drive

as I rush to show Mom my new creation.

I am from the hose,

coiled up,

waiting to be used.

I am from my garden,

filled with plant mysteries.

I am from the 4th of July barbeques,

with the chicken that drips with juice.

I am from freshly baked chocolate chip cookies

that smell like a piece of heaven.

I am from the soft light ebelskivers that

fall apart in my mouth.

I am from the tamarack behind my house,

that so graciously held as a meeting place with friends,

an area to hunt,

and a place to escape the world.

I am from my best friend's house,

where we talked.

and ate,

and played pretend.

I am from the Packers, Brewers, and Bucks.

I am from staying up late,

sitting on the edge of my seat,

game winners,


and heart crushing losses.

I am from experiencing the exhilarating stories on 60 minutes,

and watching the breath holding moments on NCIS: Los Angeles.

I am from waking up early on Sundays,

and sitting on the gloomy pews in church.

I am from a dedicated busy family

that goes everywhere all the time.

I am from Eric and Angie,

rooted by Karen, Paul, Linda and Terry.

I come from all over.



and France.

I am from time,


and unconditional love.

Hello balloons

So big, so bright

But I lost you through the night

You fly so big, so bright

You traveled through the depths of the forest

And guided over the sea

So big, so bright

So Majestic you walked over the wind

You landed in a town way over

So big, so bright

And with grace you were seen 

By an adult

So big, so bright

Who took you and shamed you 

And he tossed you and broke you

so small, so dull

After many years I found you 

fixed you

So big, so bright

Hello balloons again

Couplet-rhymes according to a pattern (aa, bb)

I like March Madness

For some teams it is sadness

But for a fan it’s fun

And they hope for a party when it’s done


Hikau–a Japanese poem

Chess is a great game

It makes me work and think hard

I love moving the pieces 


Free Verse-does not have to rhyme

A scribble can mean a lot

If you look close enough you can see

It’s like a piece of artwork